Causes and effects of climate change

What is climate change? We have probably heard the terms, climate change and global warming which are  used very often and interchangeably. That’s because both describe changes in earth’s climate. Global warming focuses on the rising average temperature of the planet, while climate change usually occurs during precipitation, wind patterns, and over temperatures changing period. Changes in climate could last a few years, decades, or even millions of years.

First of all, global climate change is caused by human activities, and it is a growing threat to society. There are few ways how people accelerate climate change such as burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat and transportation. These activities create greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere affect the sun’s energy, contributing to global warming.  

Secondly, From melting glaciers to more extreme weather patterns people notice the real effects of climate change. Changes of weather are perhaps the most noticeable effect of climate change. So we have some solutions for climate  change. If we keep our world cleaner there may be new jobs created and billions of dollars of economic benefits. If we follow certain rules we may never see the worst consequences. For example recycle and reduce waste, walk, bike, and take public transportation instead of buying cars and polluting air, power your home renewable energy, etc. 

Overall the causes and effects of climate change are because of people. So we must try to do our best so as not to face  this problem. 

Traffic congestion, problems and its effects.

Traffic congestion is a serious problem in cities worldwide.It’s a condition in transport that is characterised by slower speeds and longer trip times. There are a lot of problems of traffic congestion such as wasting time, health problems on drivers, cities, environment even economic losses and using more fuel. These problems are very dangerous for both people and the environment. Because of these serious effects, it’s important for governments to do something to reduce road congestion.

First of all, traffic jams have negative effects on drivers as they cause stress, which may lead to health problems and road rage. Wasting time in traffic can also lead to economic losses as products can’t be delivered on time and people who have meetings or should go to work can be late. Another problem is that emergency services can be late because of traffic jams and unable to get to an emergency in time. 

Secondly, traffic congestion wastes fuel which produces carbon dioxide and contributes to the greenhouse effect, which is very dangerous for people. All these effects have a negative impact on people’s lives. There are some solutions for preventing traffic congestion which causes all these dangerous effects, such as building more roads with wider lanes, building bridges and tunnels. All these solutions together are called engineering which has both advantages and disadvantages. There are also other solutions for example, increasing taxes on fuel. If governments increase the cost of fuel, people will think carefully about using their cars and may start using more underground or other public transportation.

To sum up, cities and governments are trying to solve this important problem by using a lot of methods. However the solution of this global problem is very hard to find. So we should encourage alternative solutions to reduce the amount of traffic jams on the roads.


Read and  Match

1. Just Do It!-

E. Although it is difficult, there are ways to stop procrastinating. One way of doing it is to find out why you are procrastinating and deal with those problems. If you are a perfectionist, try to do the task quickly and not worry about it being perfect. Another solution, especially when the task seems too big, is to break it into smaller steps and do those one by one. This may lessen the desire to procrastinate.

2. Just What the Doctor Ordered

3. Dangerous Consequences-

B. Procrastination at school can lead to poor grades, low test scores, and finally not getting into a good university. Another negative result of procrastination is the stress of waiting to the last minute to do something. This can lead to staying up all night to prepare for a test. Also, the constant stress of having something hanging over your head, being scolded and criticized by teachers and parents can lead to feelings of guilt and worthlessness.

4. Source of the Problem-

D. It is not always clear why people procrastinate. Some are just lazy or don’t have enough willpower, but there may be other reasons, perfectionism for one. Some people are afraid that they will be judged by others as failures if their work is less than perfect. For example, a pupil may fear the judgment of parents and teachers on a school report. According to psychologists, this fear of failure may be a cause of procrastination.

5. Take It Easy!-

G. Procrastination is also a popular subject of laughter in films and TV shows and there are many coffee mugs, cartoons, and notebooks covered with jokes about it. Though many people consider it a serious psychological problem and even view it as a kind of disease, others laugh about it and are even proud to be procrastinators

6. Hard to Guess the Meaning-

A. You can often find articles and books addressing the problem of procrastination. If you don’t know this word, you might think it was a terrible disease. In reality, procrastination can be defined as a bad habit of doing something less important in order to avoid doing something more important. People procrastinate in many different areas, but we will focus on procrastinating at school, where it is a frequent problem.

7. The Devil Is Not So Black As He is Painted-

F. Still, procrastinating can be a good thing. For those who spend much more time working on a project than is necessary, waiting until the last minute can be a more economical use of time. Also, some people while procrastinating do things that are creative or useful in other ways. Finally, a certain amount of procrastination is part of human nature. Feeling guilty about it can be worse and more damaging than the procrastination itself.

8. A Hidden Problem-

C. Usually it is very obvious when somebody is procrastinating, for example, playing video games instead of doing homework. Sometimes, however, it can be less obvious. Sharpening your pencils and cleaning your desk may fool some people into thinking you are working hard, but can also be forms of procrastination. Some pupils are even able to fool themselves into thinking they are working, when they are just trying to avoid real work.

Love, Dating & Marriage

1. If you are 35 years old and still unmarried, would you still wait for your true love? Why?

Probably yes. I would still wait for my true love as love is appreciating, listening, sharing interests, caring… and to me these all could be in our lives, dosn’t matter how old we are.
2. Who will pay for the wedding costs? Man, woman or both? Why?

In my opinion both man and woman should pay for the wedding as that day is one of the most important days in both of their lives.
3. What do you think is the best age to get married?

I don’t think that there is age that is the best to get married as for me everyone can get married whenever they want.

4. Do you think weddings in your countries waste a lot of money?

I think weddings waste a lot of money in every country if people want to have an expensive wedding.
5. At what age do most people in your country get married?

People in my country get married mostly at the age of 20 to 30.
6. Does getting married mean giving up your freedom?

Definitely not, in my opinion people are always free and have freedom if in relationship both have trust.
7. Is it okay for a couple to live together before getting married? Why or Why not?

Personally I think it’s okay for couple to live together if they are sure, but in my country it’s not okay for the couple to live together.
8. Is it better to be single or to be married?

To me every situation has it’s advantages and disadvantages. I think it’s okay to be both single or married.
9. Is it ok to marry someone from a different religion?

Personally I think love is something that we can’t predict, so I think if people love each other it doesn’t matter if they are from different religion.
10. Is it OK for a man to have two wives?

To me is definitely disagree with this idea, it’s hard to explain why but I’ll try to. Both man and woman should love each other equal so I think it’s not okay for a man to have two wives.
11. Do people change after getting married?

Personally I think they don’t change but are knowing each other better than before marriage.
12. What makes a happy marriage?

I personally think trusting, loving, talking about every problem and decision, appreciating make a happy marriage.
13. What is the most important ingredient in a happy marriage?

For me trusting, understanding and listening to each other is the most important ingredient in a happy marriage.

have: auxiliary or main verb?

  1.  She’s the only child. —She hasn’t got any siblings.
  2. We used to pay someone to take a family photograph every year .-We used to have someone who take the family photograph every year.
  3. Buying car insurance is obligatory for all drivers.-All drivers have to buy car insurance .
  4. He last saw his father in 2009. -He has seen his father in 2009
  5. He lacks the right qualifications for this job. —He haven’t got right qualifications for this job.
  6. It’s not necessary for us to do it now. We can do it later.-We can have done this later
  7. The sea water was amazingly clear and warm — we swam ever morning. -The sea water was amazingly clear and warm — we have swum ever morning
  8. When did you start to get on badly? -How long have yo been getting on badly?
  9. I need someone to fix the central heating. I think the termostat is broken. -I need someone to have central heating fixed. I think the termostat is broken. 

Do you agree or disagree…

That people should always tell the truth

I agree with the idea that people should always tell the truth, but there are also some insignificant things that people should lie for protecting others.

First of all truth, trust and honesty are some of the important considerations in any relationship. This considerations make our relations more strong. But we can’t always tell the truth for many reasons, such as we don’t want to hurt someone for our profit and for others happiness.

For an example my friend bought an expensive dress which wasn’t worth it, and she asks me weather it’s worth it or not. In such situation I would prefer to lie even if I know that it’s not worth it as I don’t want to hurt her so sometimes we have to lie to maintain our relations.

In addition sometimes we have to lie for others happiness for example a patient who is suffering from severe disease and also has a heart problem and he can’t face the truth in such situation doctors prefer to lie which is good for patients health. So sometimes hiding the truth can bring happiness in others life.

That luck has nothing to do with success

Personally I think that when people succeed it’s because of hard work. I agree that success need hard work for one main reason.

Firstly success mainly depends on hard work. As an example when we talk about some famous people we all think they are respectable as we know at the back of their success there is hard work. If we sit at homes and wait for luck or magic never will we succeed.

To sum up I agree that luck has nothing to do with success.

Do you agree or disagree that a higher education means a better career

Personally, I think it depends on personality but to me, higher education doesn’t mean a better career for 2 main reasons.

Firstly a person who doesn’t love learning and is very lazy could stay without a work/career even with higher education. Secondly, higher education doesn’t mean a better career as we can have no education but become better specialists. To sum up I believe that life will show our place doesn’t matter how well we are educated.

Do you agree or disagree that grades encourage students learn.

Personally, I think that grades don’t encourage students to learn for 2 main reasons. First of all, grades become an addiction for students and they start learning just for good marks so I think it’s not good as every student must know why and for what they learn. Secondly, grades don’t give students any advantages whereas knowledge does. Students can’t become good specialists while having good grades but no knowledge. To sum up, I think grades don’t encourage students to learn but teachers friendly attitude does.

My skills, capacities and achievements

This year was a new one for me, I was in a new school with new friends and teachers. This year was full of new experience and new capacities and without failures. I have learnt a lot,  it was full of adventures and new memories. English is an important language for me as I have been learning it since childhood, but in my previous school, our English classes weren’t good enough for me to learn something new or even important. This school gave me an opportunity to learn more and more. Our English classes were very interesting and productive, we did not only grammar but also many interesting activities practising our listening, writing and speaking skills. Discussing interesting topics helped us enrich our creative thinking and express our ideas and thoughts freely, shared our desires and hopes as well.  We played a lot of games together too.

These are some interesting topics that I’ve written.

A photo from my album.

Laughter is the best medicine.

Great expectations By Charles Dickens.

Standardized tests are not a measure of students’ ability.

Make decisions alone.

Also, trips are very important in our school and for me as well. We make new friends, new memories and new achievements. Here is an interesting project called  “Virtual Journeys”.  Virtual Journey to Lagodekhi. 

Despite the quarantine, this year was full of happiness for me and I hope next year will be better.


Great Expectations by Charles Dickens


Short summary for you

At first, I thought that the book is boring and uninteresting. After reading the whole book I learnt it was a good one. The book is about a poor boy who had neither father nor mother. His only family was his sister who was very strict and her husband Joe who was very kind and helpful he was the only friend of Pip the poor boy. After his dark childhood, he was given an opportunity to become a gentleman…

I liked the book as it has deep wise, the book clearly mentions the boy’s suffering and hardworking, due to which he reaches his goals. I think that’s the best example that we can reach our goals with hardworking. Also, it is a good example that real love comes back no matter what. We can see that after all difficulties, at last, the boy Pip who loved Estella all his life unexpectedly found her again and didn’t let her go.

Laughter is the Best Medicine


When was the last time you had a really good laugh?

I think that one of the best feelings in the world that also brings so much of cheer to life is laughter. It is really one of the best medicines in the world. Also, whether it’s a smile or just a slight giggle, laughter completely alters the atmosphere and mood of the surroundings. Furthermore, it makes you feel well and everyone around you will also feel positive vibes. I’m the one who always tries to find positive things to laugh when I hang out with my friends .


The ability to laugh is God-given.People laughing together is an excellent way to build relationships this is one of the ways how I have made a lot of friends. It helps friends and family bond with each other. It helps increase trust and intimacy as well. Laughter is an expression of joy in one’s heart. Unfortunately , anxiety and worry, depression and loneliness are ills of modern society that prevent people from laughing out loud. It is in this context that laughter is understood to be the best medicine.

Additionally, laughter helps you feel well. The good feeling that you actually get during laughter remains with you even when you stop laughing. Thus, laughter helps you with a positive view in difficult times. A slight smile or a laugh can make the world a perfect one for you